The Evolutions of Cell Phones

This Timeline shows the evolution of Cellphones from back in the days to now, I am so excited to see what the future of Phones will look like. These devices have such an impact on our everyday life, its how we communicate with friends and family and also keep up with whats going on in the world. we have come such a long way.

Cellphone Timeline
The Evolution of the cell phone


Is social media destroying our relationship and society?

In this weeks lecture, we looked at the topic of, is social media destroying our society, or does it have any specific influences on our life’s.  The answer is yes! Everyday social sites such as FaceBook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter etc. have a huge impact on our relationships with people and the way we communicate with them. Social media does not change what we do but it changes who we are. Those small devices have so much power over our life’s that as a society we forget how to communicate and have conversations. If we can’t control what we type, say, or even our body language we get scared because through the screen we can edit words, emotions through a screen without anyone seeing us. Technology is making us lonely. We think that we are sociable people because we speak to our friends, family, or even randoms on an everyday basis through social media sites. But truth is, without those devices, we feel lonely and feel like there’s nothing to do with our lives. An example is when my friends come over my place or vice versa, keeping a conversation is hard because we’re all on our phones checking our social medias, even though we are connected we tend to lose ourselves. Many individuals are scared to enter a relationship because they feel like they will have no ground level and nothing to talk about, this is when the loneliness kicks in. I am a victim of this myself. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or we should stay off social media sites, but we should monitor how much energy and time we spend behind the screen, and put some of that energy into the real world.

In the video Linked, Sherry Turkle explains this in great detail 🙂

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?




‘The Mandela Effect’

What is the Mandela Effect? to be honest, i don’t completely know myself. I just see a bunch of memes on the internet but I myself have never really thought about it. According to Fiona Broome, The “Mandela Effect” is what happens when someone has a memory of something that never actually happened also named as false memory. For example, did you know that it’s actually ‘Fruit Loops’ and not ‘Froot Loops’… yep I know, my whole life has been a lie too. The theory came from certain people feeling as though, they could remember Nelson Mandela dying while he was still in prison back in the 80s, but contrary to what they thought Mandela actually died on December 5, 2013. These false memories Kellogg_s-Froot-Loopshave people thinking that we live in a parallel technological universe. The most interesting and scariest thing with the Mandela effect is that so many different individuals share the same thoughts.


Introducing me& my Blog


My Name is Esther and I am an undergraduate university student. I am currently partaking in a double degree in a Bachelor of Public Relations communications/ Bachelor of Business. My future goal aspirations are to major in Public relations and tourism. My hobbies include, learning about different cultures and history, shopping, listening to music, watching the NBA.

This blog has been set up has part of my communications technology subject as part of my degree. This blog will consist and allow me to share my thoughts and new knowledge based on topics learnt and discussed in this course every week. I look forward into learning and sharing how technology can influence us as audiences.

The ways “Apple” have shaped the way we use/see communication technology

In this weeks lecture topic: We discussed the way Steve Jobs help change the way we see and use technology. When Apple first dropped the Macintosh computer it became very successful. It was the first mass market computer to use an innovation which has paved the way to how everyone interacts with computers today. Later on, Apple released other products such as the iPod, iTunes etc.. it wasn’t until Apple released the iPhone which really took the world by storm. Apple created a smartphone that everyone wanted to carry, it was described as having your own hand held touchscreen computer, it revolutionalised the way we use smartphones. After the release of the iPhone, Apple’s profit increased tremendously and it became one of the most important, Innovated, and successful companies in the world till date. There are so many words that could be used to describe Apple and Steve Jobs, like creative, innovative, genius, Humble, dedicated and a never say no type of person, just to name a few. Today all around the world there are over 715 million iPhones being used. this just shows that hard work, determination and a different way of thinking really pays off for all the hard work at the end.

Thank you, Steve Jobs, THE MAJOR THINKERS for reshaping the way we use technology